Hurricane Harvey Volunteers

Fastcase is committed to supporting the efforts of out-of-state attorneys volunteering in Texas to help in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.  We have partnered with the State Bar of Texas to provide free Fastcase access to Texas attorneys affected by the storm. In light of the Texas Supreme Court’s order permitting out-of-state attorneys retained by a legal-aid or pro-bono program to practice in Texas, we are extending our offer of free legal research services to volunteer attorneys.  Attorneys in this position can fill out the form below to gain access to Fastcase for that period. We also recommend filling out this volunteer form from the State Bar of Texas to let them know that you are available to work with people affected by the storm.

If you need support using Fastcase, please contact our support team at 866.773.2782 or  Our support desk is open from 7am to 7pm Central Standard Time.”

Other Resources

Please find below a list of links to disaster resources provided by the State Bar of Texas and others.


Emergency Order from Supreme Court of Texas Aug. 28 – Pursuant to Section 22.0035(b)3 of the Texas Government Code, all courts in Texas should consider disaster-caused delays as good cause for modifying or suspending all deadlines and procedures—whether prescribed by statute, rule, or order—in any case, civil or criminal.


Second Emergency Order from Supreme Court of Texas Aug. 29 -Pursuant to Section 81.061 of the Texas Government Code, and notwithstanding Chapter 81, Subchapter G, an attorney who is licensed to practice law in another U.S. jurisdiction and who meets the following criteria is permitted to practice law in Texas for six months from the date of this order.


Attorneys who wish to volunteer for disaster relief work, please fill out this online survey form.

To apply for assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, click here.

To download the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s mobile app, click here.


Law on Certain Insurance Claims Changes September 1

Texas property owners should be aware that House Bill 1774, passed by the 85th Texas Legislature, will change the law regarding how legal actions for certain insurance claims are handled, including some claims for property damages or losses caused by natural disasters. If you need to make an insurance claim related to Hurricane Harvey, you should study how the law may affect you. Claims made before September 1, 2017, will be subject to current law; those filed on or after September 1 will fall under the new law.


Disaster Relief Contacts & Resources

Please review the contacts and resources listed below. They can help you prepare for, survive, and recover from a disaster.



American Red Cross

(800) HELP-NOW

Salvation Army

(800) SAL-ARMY

Missing Persons Registries

(866) GET-INFO


Texas Resources

State of Texas

(877) 452-9060

Texas Emergency Preparedness Resources


Texas Division of Emergency Management


Office of the Attorney General Consumer Protection

(800) 621-0508

Texas Department of Insurance

(800) 578-4677

Texas Department of Health and Human Services

(800) 436-6184

Texas Rural Mediation Services

(866) 329-3522

2-1-1 Texas Information and Referral Network

(877) 541-7905


Legal Resources

State Bar of Texas Legal Disaster Hotline

(800) 504-7030

The State Bar of Texas

(800) 204-2222

State Bar of Texas Lawyer Referral & Information Services

(800) 252-9690

Lawyer Referral Service of Central Texas, Inc.

(866) 303-8303

Dallas Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service

(214) 220-7444

Houston Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service

(713) 237-9429

– Online resources, including free and low-cost civil legal assistance in Texas, self-help resources for legal problems, and where to find legal aid

Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas

(855) 548-8457

Lone Star Legal Aid

(800) 733-8394

Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid

(866) 757-1570

National Disaster Legal Aid website


The Centers for the Law and Public’s Health



Federal Resources

(800) 232-4636

FEMA’s Federal Disaster Assistance Process for Individuals

(800) 621-FEMA (3362)

Department of Homeland Security

(202) 282-8000

Government Benefits Search

(800) 333-4636

Administration for Community Living

(202) 619-0724

Dept. of Health and Human Services

(877) 696-6775

Centers for Disease Control

(800) CDC-INFO

Small Business Administration

(800) 659-2955


Weather Safety Tips

For safety tips related to tornadoes, thunderstorms, and flooding, visit the Texas Department of Public Safety Severe Weather Awareness Web page.


Psychological & Counseling Resources

Phases of Traumatic Stress Reactions in a Disaster

American Red Cross

Salvation Army

Texas Department of State Health Services

Disaster Mental Health Services

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