Wisconsin Bar President Diane Diel on Fastcase and Cool Tech

President of the Wisconsin Bar Diane Diel dishes about technology in her March column in the Wisconsin Lawyer Magazine, including a nice hat tip to Fastcase:

The State Bar has given all its members a gift of technology this year in making Fastcase, the online legal research service, available to members at no charge. Online legal research is not new, but it is a marvel in general, and when “free,” it is nothing short of a miracle. Wisconsin lawyers can save a considerable amount of time and money with Fastcase.

The Wisconsin Bar is one of the most tech-savvy in the country, with real leaders in the bar association, practice management, and bar book publishing markets. And of course, we’re proud to be their partners in making access to the law free to their members.
Source: “Marvelous Technology,” Wisconsin Lawyer Magazine

#1 Legal Research App

Winner of the prestigious American Association of Law Libraries (New Product) Award, Fastcase for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone is used by more attorneys than any other legal app according to the ABA. Anyone may use the app for free to access Fastcase's comprehensive legal research database on the go.