DHS “Shocks” Public with Airport Security Bracelets

This week, the Aviation Security Blog of the Washington Times reports that the Department of Homeland Security has been actively investigating the implementation of security ID bracelets to use in U.S. airports. The bracelets are meant to replace the boarding pass, carrying personal information about each passenger, and can also be turned on to act as homing devices within airport terminals. But, one aspect of the bracelets has become particularly controversial: in the event of a terrorist attack (or if a passenger becomes disorderly), flight attendants could activate the Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) function, which basically acts to stun and incapacitate the culprit. The effects of the EMD could last up to ten minutes, allowing the crew to secure the cabin.

The Times obtained a letter written by Paul S. Ruwaldt of DHS to the bracelet’s inventor, requesting a written proposal for the device’s potential applications. Perhaps he was lured by this promotional video?

How do you feel about this proposal? Would you pay to travel if you were outfitted with this EMD bracelet?

Source: The Washington Times

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