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Littler International Libraries: Spring 2022 Updates

The Littler International Library provides an overview of workplace laws and regulations for 47 countries and territories. The Spring 2022 Update includes the addition of Ecuador and Portugal. Written by selected attorneys and scholars from around the globe, including Littler attorneys, the Littler International Library tracks the employment life cycle in a question-and-answer format, covering more than 90 workplace law topics under 14 categories.

Each country’s Guide provides responses to the same questions, facilitating comparison across jurisdictions. With an annual subscription to the Guide’s titles of your choice, there is no need to purchase new editions each time an update is published. The Guides you are subscribed to will be automatically updated within the Fastcase legal research platform.

​​​Each of the 47 Guides in the Littler International Library is available for $30. To purchase individual Guides: 1. Login to the Fastcase legal research application. 2. Click “Browse Libraries.” 3. Scroll down to Littler Mendelson International Library, under Secondary Materials.


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A bundle of all 47 Guides in the Littler International Library is available for $1,000 annual subscription, offering a 20% savings if purchased separately. Reply to this email or email sales@fastcase.com to learn more.

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